Mayfield Kids
Mayfield Kids runs on Sunday Mornings during the Sunday Services in the School Term
Our Kids Ministry Runs two programs on Sunday Mornings:
Preschool Aged 0-5
Primary Aged 5-12
​Our programs are interactive and packed with fun and games. We provide a child-centred setting where children are encouraged to actively learn. Visit Kids Church and you will discover a fun space and crèche purpose built for children.
We are committed to Bible-based curriculum which relates to the child’s life and experiences. The program is designed to cater for varying levels of understanding. Our children aged babies to 5 years and primary school age, come together each Sunday morning for a time of encouragement, fun, games and learning.
Committed to care for the most precious resource God has trusted us with (Our Children), we want even our youngest children to have the opportunity to hear and know about Jesus in a fun and life giving way.